Uniform Back Cards (Part 1 in a series)
Posted by Jonathan @ RGB Cards | Posted in 2009 topps , uniform back cards
Rickey wishes Rickey a happy birthday. Rickey wishes all of you a merry Christmas.
A package arrived from the States, from my parents. Inside were two pillow speakers (the things that you plug into your clock radio and then put under your pillow so you can listen to the radio at night without disturbing your partner), a complete 1989 Upper Deck set (more on that later), and a Felix Hernandez bobblehead doll. In some ways, that was the best gift because on the customs form, my poor confused mom listed it as a "H. Fernandez bobble head doll". So I guess I'm now the proud owner of a Helix Fernandez stadium giveaway.
But also in the package were some cards. And enough of those card fit into a certain binder page to give me this:
Over at Community Gum, Jon is running a contest with two boxes of Topps Moments and Milestones. Since the odds of pulling a card you want out of that set is similar to winning the lottery, he's created a lottery-style contest.
I highly suggest that you check out his page and enter. He does a pretty good job of explaining the rules, much better than I could ever do. Of course, since he came up with the rules, I should hope so.
This post gets me an extra entry in the contest. Since three of the players I collect are in the Topps M&M set, I need all the entries I can get. Off to Twitter to follow Jon's account...
Beleive me, I'm all for the idea of Zack Greinke not being traded to the Yankees, Red Sox, Mets or any other ESPN-friendly team. I like the idea of any team potentially being able to land a superstar player via a trade, because lord knows it doesn't happen with free agency. But why, oh why, does it have to be the Brewers who get Greinke?
No, not mine. Someday I hope to have a contest, but right now I just hope to have my card collection all ready for when the movers get here.
The contest I am referring to is over at All About Cards. Earlier, Ian asked for nominations for three categories for the end of year awards. Now, the polls are open and it's time to vote. And vote you shall, simply by clicking on the link above.
Since I like to have people know my opinions on things (it's kinda why I have a blog), I will share my votes with you:
"Sickest" card of 2010 - The Bowman Stephen Strasburg 1/1 Red Auto. Four 1/1 Strasburg cards drove the whole market for a time this spring, then the last one to be found kept the bubble going all by itself. Even months after it was found, I was still able to sell a hobby box of Bowman on eBay for $150+
You telling me that's not sick, by any definition of sick that you choose?
Fan Favorite Set - Allen & Ginter. As I said before, any set that inspires its own annual month-long, net-wide contest has got to be pretty damn popular. It was a fairly easy choice for me, although Obak is getting more and more popular every year and was a close second. If someone ever starts an "Obak-palooza" contest, I may have to revisit my vote.
Box Most Likely to Contain "Mojo" - Topps Triple Threads. It was the only baseball set that was nominated, and I collect baseball cards. But it is a very nice set. Someday, when I grow up, I'll be able to afford a box of Triple Threads.
The one that I opened while I was writing my reports? Well, I realised that I haven't posted the results from that box yet. I teased it a bit, but never actually showed anything. Well, here's what I got. Let's start with the big hits, because neither of them are available anymore.
Over at the Daily Dimwit is one of the more imaginative contests I've seen in a while. The Dimwit has bought and busted a bunch of discounted blasters. If you watch the video, and post which five cards you'd like, then he'll send them to you if your number comes up. Just so long as you don't ask for the Nolan Ryan card. But you wouldn't do that to him, would you?
The deadline is Friday (that's tomorrow) so head over there now and enter.
Here's the cards and inserts that I got from my jumbo box of Topps Update. Most of these are available for trade. If you see something you want, please let me know, but quickly. Because of the house move, I'd like to get these trade packages in the mail by Friday, which means Thursday night in America. The post offices in Australia aren't open on Saturdays.
All About Cards. Yearly Awards Contest. Go here and vote. Here's my ballot:
Sickest card - for me, it's the Mariners franchise history card in the Topps base set because that has two of the four players I collect in it. If I look closely, I think I just might be able to pick out King Felix lurking in the background, too.
Fan Favorite - Well it's Ginter, isn't it? The only set I know of to inspire a yearly contest for box breaking.
Mojo Box - 2010 Bowman, at least until the four Strasburg 1/1 cards were all found. The market for that was just plain crazy.
So I logged into my Million Card Giveaway account to see what trade offers were available. It was the usual detritus - six 1985 to 1988 cards for my 1971 Curt Blefary, an '89 Ozzie Smith for my '71 Johnny Jeter, five junk wax cards for my Luis Tiant, and my personal favorite, a 1987 Don Mattingly All-Star card for the 1968 card in my account.
Not even the regular card. The All-Star card.
Hang on, what's this? An offer for my 1956 Jim Davis (aka the oldest card in my collection). It's another 1956 card, and it's not a Cub. In fact, it's a White Sox card:
Well, it's mostly just one guy, but he seems really desperate to get his hands on my 1976 Fred Stanley. He even offered me a sweet deal on a 1979 Ron Blomberg - twice! Maybe he read my Bo Belinsky post?
Tonight is the seventh night of Hannukah. There's one more night left, after tonight.
Well, not completely, but I don't have any more comments to write, just edit the corrections that my principal makes. I can now devote my writing time to this blog.
Expect some e-mails from me regarding trade proposals. I also found out my new address so things are proceeding nicely. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have three remaining packs of Masterpieces to open...
...Boy was that fun! A little something for everyone in that pack, including one of the two hits which, while I'm nonplussed about, I know some people who read this blog will definitely be interested in. Don't worry, though, there's plenty of stuff for me to show off. Tomorrow I'll post the hits, the parallels, the short prints and the duplicates that are available for trade.
But until then, here's two cards from the same pack. In fact, not only were they in the same pack, they were back-to-back:
Because everything in a card collector's life tends to be though of in terms of percentage until completion, I don't mind telling you that I have 69 of 92 comments written. I'll leave that up to you to figure out the math.
I'm sure there's some of you out there who are thinking - it's been a week, why aren't you finished? A couple of reasons - I'm pretty sure I spend too much time on each comment making sure it's just so. For the English comments (the largest of the bunch at 10-12 lines), we're talking about 20 minutes per comment.
Another reason is that I need to be inspired. Often times, it's the mental image of my principal breathing down my neck wondering where the comments are that provides all the inspiration I need. But sometimes, nothing I can do will snap me back into writer mode. It's the same reason that this blog had one post in the month of October - there just wasn't anything I could do to get me to want to write. Thankfully, I haven't had that much. The image of the principal seems to be doing the trick.
Yes, I am more than two-thirds of the way to completion, so that's good. And yes, I have opened six of my packs of Masterpieces and will open a seventh as soon as I write one more English comment. When all the report cards have been written, and all the packs have been opened, I'll post the hits, short prints and cards I have available for trade. But for now, let me just say that I have found one of the two promised hits. And, hoo hoo hoo, boy is it a good one.
Post your guesses in the comments, please.
If you have sent me an e-mail about a potential trade, there are two good reasons you haven't heard back from me yet:
1. My mind has been focused on finishing my report cards (I'm a little bit more than halfway finished!)
2. I don't know what address to tell you to send the cards to yet
There is a package on the way from Mr. Colbey Flywheels, and one from eBay. Those were sent on Monday. Anything else sent to me from this point on, I'm afraid, will probably not make it in time before my (next) move (yes, I know I just moved six months ago).
I am definitely interested in trading, and hope to resume negociations with people next week. Until then, I thank you all for your patience. I haven't forgotten anyone, it's just easier for me to post this one time on my blog rather than send out a bunch of e-mails.
Hopefully the cards that have been sent will get here in time so I can show them off!
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