Little Package of Goodness - Things are Funner Here
Posted by Jonathan @ RGB Cards | Posted in ken griffey jr. , paul konerko , trade , yo mamma cards
Things are slower here.
That's in no way an indictment at all on my trade partner, Julie, aka PerfectHalladay, from Things are Funner Here. It's more a problem with Australia Post. Julie was one of six people who I mailed packages off to before I left for my European extravaganza. Hers was the first I got back. She sent it on January 25. I got it...yesterday.
Usually, it takes about a week, ten days tops. This was three weeks. Clearly, Australia Post flies the mail over to Perth, then walks it up to Derby. Or something like that.
The good news is that this is the first of many packages, and thus the first of many trade posts. And hopefully soon, when I get my DSL line up and running, normal posting. Because I want to do the Blog-Bat-Around, continue the Uniform Back series, and much, much more. And, the one-year anniversary of RGB Cards is next month! Hard to believe, but it's true.
Okay, enough with the bellyaching. On to what Julie sent my way:
(and by the way, she's having a contest but it ends today at noon so you've got about six hours to enter. Hurry!)
Two cards stand out from the pack. First, THE BUZZSAW!
Did the package I sent you from January's group break show up yet? I threw some extra goodies in there for you.
I'm late to commenting on this, but I am VERY glad the package made it to you, and that you liked the cards!
Colbey, the package hasn't come yet, but that's not a surprise, as you'll find out in my next post.