New Year's Resolutions

Posted by Jonathan @ RGB Cards | Posted in

For me, Opening Day is basically a New Year's Day. Along with all the prosaic stuff about every team being in first place on Opening Day, there's the feeling of hopefulness. A long 162-game season is in front of us, and who knows what storylines it could bring?

Along those lines, I have some resolutions for the blog. Yes, it's new (not even a month old) and I know Rome wasn't built in a day, but I want it to be a place where people check in on a regular basis. Of course, that means giving them something to check in for. More on that in a bit. But for now, here are my New Year's Resolutions for RGB Cards:

1. A new look

What I've got so far is a basic default blog. Honestly, I didn't want to put a lot of work into it at the beginning - I wanted to get up and blogging while I had the enthusiasm. This blog first game to my mind last October, but it wasn't until last month that I actually decided to bite the bullet.

With 22 posts, it's already the longest-lived blog I've ever done. I think that's because I focused on writing instead of designing. But I've always had ideas in my mind of how I wanted it to look. I think it's time to bring some of those ideas to pass.

And yes, one of those ideas is to refer to the blog as just RGB Cards. My focus will be the same, but it's a lot easier to say and type. Besides, I'm not sure why I went with the law firm name. I'm not a lawyer, I'm a teacher. Frank Robinson Middle School would have been better. (Okay, not really).

2. Better writing

Like I said, I have to give people a reason to visit this site. And really, people come to blogs to see what has been written. I'd like to think I'm a decent writer, but looking back, some of my writing isn't showing it. I'd like to come across as conversational. I'm also going to share my (hopefully witty) observations, more than a "just-the-facts" approach. Because that's not me.

And it will start with re-writing some recent posts to better match my original plans for them.

3. The Suggestion Box

Ultimately, it's the readers that have the say in what they want to read. So when I revamp the blog's layout, I'm going to add a suggestion box - really, just a post where people can comment what they think. What is it that will get you excited to read the blog? Any tips or tricks? Post them in the suggestion box. Or, if you can't wait for the suggestion box, post them here.

Along those lines...

Please comment!!!

I know you're reading this blog. I can see the stats. But I love hearing from you. And if you all don't comment, I'll be forced to use what I use when I want to get my students to do something...

...shameless bribery :)

Thanks for reading, everyone. I hope you enjoy the new-look RGB Cards (coming soon)

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